Paints, varnishes, plasters and accessories
Bekament BK- Sil Facade silicone plaster, scratched, white 1.5 mm 25 kg

Bekament BK- Sil Facade silicone plaster, scratched, white 1.5 mm 25 kg

Nomenclature number: 123A01712
Application temperature:
From +5°C to +30°C. Do not work under direct sunlight, rain or strong wind. The facade must be adequately protected with mesh. High humidity and low temperatures can significantly extend the render bonding time.

Approx. 2. 3-3. 2 kg/m² depending on the structure and grain size.

Shelf life and storage:
18 months in original sealed packing. Store at temperatures from +5°C to +25°C, protected from direct sunlight and frost.
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The substrate to which the render is applied must be solid, clean, dry and coated with BK-Grund Universal primer.
Mix BK-Sil before application and if necessary dilute with a small amount of water up to 1% (0.25l of water).

The render is applied with a steel trowel with thickness of the largest grain. Depending on the desired structure, the render is then processed with a plastic trowel, namely: Full structure – structured in a circular pattern immediately after application; Reib structure – after application scratch by circular motions until the desired structure is achieved.

It is necessary to work evenly and without interruption on continuous wall surfaces.
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